We made it to 35 weeks! Only 5-6 more weeks (or less) to go! We are now going to the OB every week until D-Day! Yesterday's appointment was still a whole lot more of the same: blood pressure was 124/76, sugar and protein levels are fine, and I have now gained 23 pounds.
So let’s talk about what I don't like about being 35 weeks pregnant in August: SWELLING! My feet have been swollen for some time now, and it is rather painful to stand for long periods of time or sit in a chair to too long as well. I almost lost it during a breastfeeding class we took at the hospital last week, it stated at 6:30 and ran till 8:30, my feet were killing me so bad I wanted to just get up and walk out of the room, but rather than be rude, and in the hopes of learning something we stuck it out. However my 2 cents, that class could have been an hour long and gotten all that info to us in half the time. Then just late last week the swelling moved to my hands in a big way, they were swollen enough already that I had to take my rings off a few weeks ago, but now carpel tunnel has set in on my left hand with a vengeance. I wake up and it takes me a few tries to be able to make a fist. I knew I needed to get a brace, but waited till after my check-up yesterday to do so. OB agreed, and told me to head over to CVS and pick one up. I will say that after just one night of sleeping with the brace I do see some improvement.
So here are some photos of my ugly swollen feet (complete with flip flop marks, they hardly fit) do note that at least my toes look nice (pedicures are a must for me in the summer), and my lovely over night wrist brace:
Sorry for all the complaining, when it does come right down to it, I would put up with all this and so much more for our little guy. I can't believe we are finally in the home stretch and will get to meet him soon! His nursery (photo to come soon) is just about done (just decorating to finish), and we have everything we need for when he gets here. Greg and I talk about it a lot the excitement of getting to meet him, and how we wish it was sooner. I think once we hit that 38 week mark I am going to do all the things they say can get labor started: lots of walks, spicy food, etc. Strange thing is I am not worried/scared about labor, see I know it is going to hurt, so what is the use of worrying about it now? Greg is ready to help me the best he can, and I will do what I can to manage the pain, its not going to be fun, but we get a BABY when it is all over!
Here are the latest belly photos:
On Friday afternoon Greg and I are meeting with a photographer to take some photos of the two of us and the belly! He is a friend of Tom's from college and just getting started out, so he gave us a great price! We are going to have them done at Lynch Park just like we did with our engagement photos. I can't wait to share them with you all.
Jill you look great!! Swollen feet and all! :-)
ah, good to see you got in touch with Jeff. can't wait to see the photos
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